Page 208 - V1.Osung Book_Eng
P. 208
G E N O M E Efforts/Results/Evaluation/Value/Sales/Registration/Transfer
Numeral-domain Advertising
Every name in the world can make money and be an advertisement. When you tag “cosmetics” or “washing
machine” on your numeral-domain advertising, your numeral-domain advertising will be searched by the
keywords and consumers can buy them. Therefore, more members, higher values. Though a famous
company patents their trademark and runs business, after the protection of patent period, anyone can use
the patent. Therefore, if you register trademarks of famous companies in numeral-domain, you can make a
lot of money. It is only matter that the trademarks or company in my numeral-domain survive during my
lifetime or until my son’s lifetime. When the company come to an end and another company succeeds its
reputation to run business, trademarks or company name on numeral-domain in return to succeed the
reputation can make a lot of money when they meet good owner. There is only one keyword which can be
used in huge market, GIGA when the patent of world’s famous brands expires after leaving numeral-domain
as inheritance. Therefore, preoccupancy can make a huge amount of money when GIGA makes success.
일반 Ads Numeral-domain Ads
수 많은 것이 함께 Ads 된다 단 한가지만 Ads 할 수 있다
(줄 Ads 검색 시) (단, 제품Ads 검색 시)
가치와 무관, 회원수가 많아지면 많아질수록 회원수가 많아지면 많아질수록 가치가 증가하고
Ads하는 자신이 Ads비용을 더 많이 지급해야 함 Ads 권한을 가진 자신이 더 많은 Ads 비용을 받음
Display AD, Click AD, Icon AD
타사비교 다양한 Ads Impossible ( 마이Mall이 없기 때문 )
GIGA 플랫폼에서 모두 Possible ( 마이Mall이 있기 때문 )
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