Page 196 - V1.Osung Book_Eng
P. 196
G E N O M E Efforts/Results/Evaluation/Value/Sales/Registration/Transfer
Examples of Affiliated Store’s Profit
① The affiliated store secures the first 가맹점
membership. ①
② The member shops in affiliated stores.
③ Every time the member shops in affiliated 회원
stores, it makes accumulated profits. ②
Everything to eat, wear and use 일식 중식 양식 한식 의류 커피숍 미용실 마트
e.g.) Profits for company, building 1명 10명 100명 1,000명 10,000명 100,000명 1,000,000명
owner, affiliated store, joint
business owner and members when
the member spend KRW 100,000 a 회사 2,000원 20,000원 200,000원 2백만원 2천만원 2억원 20억원
month and secures 100~1000
members 건물주인 2,000원 20,000원 200,000원 2백만원 2천만원 2억원 20억원
가맹점 2,000원 20,000원 200,000원 2백만원 2천만원 2억원 20억원
Purchase of KRW 100,000 / 10%
accumulated money, KRW 10,000 /
distribution of each 20% of profits 공유사업자 2,000원 20,000원 200,000원 2백만원 2천만원 2억원 20억원
회원 2,000원 20,000원 200,000원 2백만원 2천만원 2억원 20억원
When the first member of affiliated store uses the affiliated stores, some of 10% accumulated money are given as profit. How
much member they secure or how much money they spend determines the amount of accumulated profits of affiliated stores.
More members and bigger amount of money they spend, the price of affiliated store (premium) is getting higher.